
What Are the Causes of Gum Recession?

Gum Recession Treatment is the pink tissue covering part of every tooth and firmly attaching it to the jaw. The roots of the teeth are protected and supplies nutrient by healthy gum tissue.

Gum recession is a common dental problem, a condition that removes the gum tissue around the tooth and reveals the tooth and/or roots. Receiving gums make room for a sticky film of bacteria to build a space between the tooth and the gum margin. Long-term bacterial infections in the gums can lead to gingivitis or periodontitis, and also to a loss of a tooth in severe cases.

The gum tissue does not regenerate, as do some other tissues, receding gums don’t grow back. Therefore, early signs of gum disease should be captured and additional harm prevented. Tooth sensitivity, loose gums that make the teeth look longer than normal near the gum lines, are some signs that should not be overlooked!


Some common causes of gum recession include: poor oral hygiene, physical wear due to aggressive tooth brushing, very hardened toothbrush, tissue inflammation due auxiliary disease, hormonal changes while puberty is involved, pregnancy and menopause, grinding and clamping your teeth or very tumultuous tooth. Aging, smoking and diabetes are important risk factors for the recession of gum.


You are more susceptible to gum recession if you have a thin gum tissue, and therefore you have to take extra care of it. In gentle circular motion, use soft-barred toothbrushes. Practice daily brushing and flossing as well as regular dental visits. Orthodontic solutions for the improved placing of mal-aligned teeth that lead to gums recovery.

  • Additionally, reducing or quitting smoking are ways of preventing gum recession.
  • Have a healthy and balanced diet.
  • Monitor and regularly visit your dentist changes that can happen in your mouth.


A deep cleaning of the area in question can treat mild gum recession. Deep cleaning includes the removal of the scaling, plaque and tartar from under the gum line. Antibiotics can also be administered to remove all other infections.

If the excess bone loss and the pockets that are too profound, your gum recession cannot be treated with deep cleaning, gum operation might be needed to repair damage caused by gum recession.


Supports pull on the tooth from their regular situation to another one.

Additionally, supports apply super durable compressive powers to the jawbone, prompting aggravation and makes bone corrupt.

In this condition, the gums additionally follow the bone, prompting gum downturn.


Your dentist can help determine the most efficient steps to slow down or stop your gum recession.

Scaling & Root Planning is often the first step in the treatment of retracting gum, using a hand-held scraper or ultrasonic to remove tarts from your teeth and from under your gum line. You may also receive an antibiotic mouthwash from your dentist.

Twice a day, regular inspections with the dentist and cleansing every six months should be performed.

If your dentist is more severe, a Flap Surgery or a Gum Graft may be recommended.

Surgery involves elevating the tissues of the gum to allow access to profoundly situated bacteria through an incision.

Healthy gum tissue is operative to the improved look of the gum and avoid additional harm from another area of the mouth.

To book an appointment or meet our dentist Dr. Leila Hariri to know more about Gum Health.

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  • Dr Leila, is an excellent and highly skilled dentist. Caring from the moment you walk in the door. Her approach to dentistry comes from her heart. She completely see the whole patient, from your dental health to the beauty of your smile and how that affects the confidence of the person. Dr Leila is a Dentist you will want to send your entire family to see.

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  • It is very difficult to find a good dentist in Dubai. This time I was really impressed by the warm welcoming, friendliness and her professionalism. I felt like I know Dr. Leila for a very long time, she is absolutely amazing and helpful.

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  • Dr Leila has been our family dentist for years, actually for more than a decade and very close to two! Her new clinic reflects what she is: welcoming, beautiful and professional… To trust her with my kids dental health is more than words can say!

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